- O. Beck*, M. Shepherd* (co-first authors), R Rastogi, G Martino, L Ting*, G Sawicki* (co-last authors), “Exoskeletons Need to React Faster than Physiological Responses to Improve Standing Balance.” Science Robotics, 2023. Paper
- M. Shepherd, D Gunz, T Clites, C Lecomte, EJ Rouse. “Designing Custom Mechanics in Running-Specific Prosthetic Feet via Shape Optimization.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2022. Paper
- M. Shepherd, D. Molinaro, G. Sawicki, A. Young. “Deep Learning Enables Exoboot Control to Augment Variable-Speed Walking.” Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022. Paper
- M. Shepherd, T. Clites (co-first author), K. Ingraham, L. Wontorcik and E. Rouse. “Understanding preference in the design and control of lower-extremity prostheses.,” Journal of Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation, 2021. Paper
- H. Quraishi, M. Shepherd, L. McManus, J. Harlaar, D. Plettenburg and E. Rouse. “A passive mechanism for decoupling energy storage and return in ankle-foot prostheses: A case study in recycling collision energy,” Wearable Technologies, 2021. Paper
- M. Shepherd, D. Gunz, T. Clites, C. Lecomte, and E. Rouse. “Shape Optimization of Prosthetic Running Feet,” (in review, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering)
- M. Shepherd and E. Rouse. “Comparing Prosthetist and Patient Preferences for Foot Stiffness,” Nature Scientific Reports, 2020. Paper
- M. Shepherd, A. Simon, J. Zisk, L. Hargrove. “Preferred Prosthetic Ankle-Foot Alignment for Level Ground and Ramp Walking,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2020. Paper
- M. Shepherd, A. Azocar, M. Major and E. Rouse. “Amputee Perception of Prosthetic Ankle Stiffness During Locomotion,” Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2018. Paper
- M. Shepherd and E. Rouse. “The VSPA Foot: A Quasi-Passive Ankle-Foot Prosthesis with Continuously Variable Stiffness,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2017. Paper
- M. Shepherd and E. Rouse. “Design and Validation of a Torque-Controllable Knee Exoskeleton for Sit-to-Stand Assistance,” IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017. Paper